您知道吗,您吃的食物中有几乎三分之一是通过天然授粉产生,而这一工作绝大部分是由蜜蜂完成?此外,蜂蜡还用于许多药物中,帮助缓解疼痛和降低胆固醇。不幸的是,以后可能将无法再获得这种昂贵的天然成分! 蜜蜂正逐渐从它们的领地上消失,它们的数量正在迅速减少。如果没有了这种理想的产品,制造商将如何继续满足需求?
Captex® MCT 油可用作润滑剂,并支持软胶囊打印和绘制。Captex 可用在软胶囊填充溶液中,以提高不溶性化合物的溶解度和生物利用度,也可以作为抗粘剂和抛光剂用于片剂加工。
ABITEC 在原料采购、产品制造和环境保护方面都尽最大的努力来支持现今的可持续发展努力。
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CAPTEX® and STEROTEX® are registered trademarks of ABITEC Corporation. All information and statements given on this website are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, neither ABITEC Corporation nor any of their affiliates make any representations or warranty with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, any results obtained in the processing of the products by customers or any third party. All information and statements are intended for persons having the required skill and know-how and do not relieve the customer or user from verifying the suitability of information and statements given for a specific purpose prior to use of the products. It is entirely the obligation of the customer or user to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and also with all patent or other intellectual property rights of third parties. ABITEC CORPORATION EXPRESSELY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, COMPLETENESS AND/OR THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS WEBSITE AND/OR PRODUCT DESCRIBED OR PROMOTED ON THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. We reserve the right to change product specifications and specified properties of the products without prior notice.