SENDS™ - Self Emulsifying Nutraceutical Delivery System
Are your nutrients getting to their destination? Many supplements contain multiple ingredients that are aimed to target certain health benefits like bone health, daily vitamin intake, mental focus, increased energy. Supplement manufacturers choose the right ingredients based on the benefit but sometimes delivering those ingredients to the right place in the body and ensuring they are absorbed can be challenging. That's where ABITEC comes in! ABITEC's products enhance solubility & promote emulsification of active nutraceutical ingredients (ANIs), leading to greater bioavailability. We even have a system for ensuring we SEND nutrients for absorption.
The SENDS Solution
ABITEC's Self-Emulsifying Nutraceutical Delivery System (SENDS) is a formulation method by which poorly water soluble compounds are able to be solubilized and subsequently absorbed. It provides extensive benefits for your formulations including:
- Enhanced bioavailability
- Increased formulation efficiency to reduce dose
- Protection of ANI during processing or manufacturing and in the gastro-intestinal environment
- Reduced food effect
- Usable in liquid or solid dosage forms
- Each SENDS is custom designed to meet your formulation needs

A typical SENDS system will consist of a solubilizer, an emulsifier, and a surfactant and/or co-surfactant. For the nutritional space, ABITEC supplies a portfolio to support SENDS formulations:
- CAPTEX® - Solubilizers
- CAPMUL® - Emulsifiers
- ACCONON® - Surfactants
These product families can be used alone as a neat solvent or together in the formulation of self-emulsifying systems to ensure your nutrients reach their destination and are properly absorbed by the body. In addition, a SENDS formulation can reduce the amount of ANI necessary, and thereby reduces the dosing cost of the ANI in the supplement.
Related Applications
Functional food functional beverage powders
CAPMUL®, CAPTEX®, CAPROL®, ACCONON®, and STEROTEX® are registered trademarks of ABITEC Corporation. All information and statements given in this brochure are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, neither ABITEC Corporation nor any of their affiliates make any representations or warranty with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, any results obtained in the processing of the products by customers or any third party. All information and statements are intended for persons having the required skill and know-how and do not relieve the customer or user from verifying the suitability of information and statements given for a specific purpose prior to use of the products. It is entirely the obligation of the customer or user to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and also with all patent or other intellectual property rights of third parties. ABITEC CORPORATION EXPRESSELY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, COMPLETENESS AND/OR THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS BROCHURE AND/OR PRODUCT DESCRIBED OR PROMOTED IN THIS BROCHURE, INCLUDING WARRATNTIES WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. We reserve the right to change product specification and it specified properties of the products without prior notice.